drinking habit 意味
- 酒癖、飲酒習慣{いんしゅ しゅうかん}
- drinking drinking n. 飲むこと, 飲酒. 【動詞+】 Couldn't you cut down your drinking?
- habit habit n. (1) (個人的な)習慣, 癖, 習性; 生活習慣. 【動詞+】 abandon a habit 習慣を捨てる
- habit of drinking 飲酒癖{いんしゅ へき}
- bad habit of drinking bad habit of drinking 飲酒の弊 いんしゅのへい
- moderate drinking habit 適度{てきど}な[ほどほどの]飲酒{いんしゅ}の習慣{しゅうかん}
- moderate one's drinking habit 飲酒癖{いんしゅ へき}を抑える
- tea drinking habit
- tea-drinking habit お茶を飲む習慣{しゅうかん}
- whip the drinking habit 飲酒{いんしゅ}をやめる
- drinking drinking n. 飲むこと, 飲酒. 【動詞+】 Couldn't you cut down your drinking? 酒の量を減らすことはできませんか He has given up drinking. 酒を断っている We don't permit drinking in this room. この部屋での飲酒は禁止です He'
- for drinking 飲用の
- as is habit as is habit 習い ならい
- by habit 習慣から、習慣で、いつもの癖で
- habit habit n. (1) (個人的な)習慣, 癖, 習性; 生活習慣. 【動詞+】 abandon a habit 習慣を捨てる acquire the habit of speaking correctly 正確に話す習慣がつく alter fixed habits 身についた習慣を変える You can begin the book-rea
- in habit 習性{しゅうせい}で
- without the drinking habit . what ?
飲みの習慣とかなくて。 なあ? - along with the spread of the tea drinking habit , the word ' chawan ' has also spread and it has become a pronoun for porcelain used for other purposes also .
喫茶の普及と共に「茶碗」という言葉も広まり、喫茶用途以外の磁器も指す磁器の代名詞として使われた。 - masamune gives impression as a person with no unguarded moment , but he could not keep control only of his drinking habit , and left some stories regarding his failures under the influence of alcohol .